What is Radiation Oncology?

Radiation oncology refers to the utilization of high-energy radiation in administering cancer treatment. It damages the DNA of cancer cells, preventing them from growing and spreading, whilst doing as little damage as possible to surrounding healthy tissues.

Types of Radiation Therapy

  • External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT): Given from outside the body to treat a tumor
  • Brachytherapy: The radioactive material is placed near or inside the tumor
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and SBRT: Deliver precise, focused doses of radiation to tumors that are difficult to access
  • Proton Therapy: Advanced radiation using protons that allows for highly targeted treatment

Types of Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is indicated in various cancers: breast, prostate, lung, brain, and head and neck malignancies. In addition, some benign conditions can also be treated.

Why Choose Radiation Oncology?

  • Precision: It methodically targets the tumors while preserving the healthy tissue.
  • Effective: Can be used alone or in conjunction with surgery and chemotherapy.
  • Quick Recovery: Most treatments involve non-invasiveness so little recovery time is required.

What to Expect

Radiation therapy entails a personalized treatment plan, while individual sessions usually last as short as a few minutes. Side effects will be dealt with to ensure the best possible outcome from treatment.

Our Promise

With OncoSakhi personalized and cutting-edge radiation therapy is imparted in a warm and healing compassionate environment. Our experts will attend to you and ensure a successful treatment.

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